Grant Pays for Week of Dance Lessons in Ladd
Ladd Grade School junior high students dance to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson in the school’s gymnasium. All week, Maggie Bouslog (front), instructor at Main Street Dance Academy in Princeton, taught the students styles of dance, ballet and other styles. Photo by Scott Anderson, NewsTribune
NewsTribune – October 20, 2018
LADD — A Creative Arts dance program experience for Ladd students was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Art Council, a state agency, funded by National Endowment for the Arts, and matching Sun Foundation local contributors.
Students in kindergarten through eighth grade participated in a week of “Basics of Dance” taught by Maggie Bouslog, from Main Street Dance Academy in Princeton.
Bouslog is an accredited dance instructor from New York University.
The program incorporated ballet, jazz, tap and modern dance. Students learned proper stretching, flow of motion, timing and rhythm.
On Friday, students in pre-k and kindergarten learned a circle motion, grades 1-4 danced to “Monster Mash” and 5-8 danced to “Thriller.”
Junior high students created their own modern dance and created the choreography.
Parents and the general public can view the video on the Ladd School website at
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