How My Appreciation of Science and the Environment Developed at the Sun Foundation
Patrick Corrigan at Art and Science in the Woods
My name is Patrick Corrigan. I am currently a PhD candidate in chemistry at Penn State University. I study proteins and how they catalyze chemical reactions. I am particularly interested in enzymes that generate carbon free fuels, like hydrogen gas, and how I can make them more robust for use in green technologies. One of the first places I grew an appreciation for science and how it can benefit our global climate was at the Sun Foundation.
I went to my first Art and Science in the Woods camp when I was eight years old. In the morning I learned about fossils from ancient creatures that lived on the same creek bed I was walking along millions of years ago. In the afternoons I learned about a variety of things like sculpture and pottery from some of the best instructors you can find. I continued to attend camp and learn about other things like film and rocket science over the years. As I grew older I kept came back to camp as a teaching assistant to help pass the things I learned at camp on to younger kids.
Students watch a rocket launch at Art and Science in the Woods
The Sun Foundation had a big impact on my life. It helped me find my deep appreciation for science, taught me that we must be kind to our planet, and see that the marriage between the arts and sciences can lead to beautiful possibilities. I would not be who I am today without the experiences and the connections that I made there. I hope that I am able to pass on the passion, kindness, and knowledge that I learned there to the next generation.
– Patrick Corrigan
PhD Candidate in Chemistry, Penn State University
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